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Are you still updating 😭? I miss the times I would anxiously await the updates. But, since there's been no notifications, I had forgotten about it 'till some minutes ago where I thought about it and missed playing it... Love this game, pls <3


Naw cause like it feels like an illegal cliffhanger, just when it was getting Dramatic 


Don't worry! They say it's still in progress on their Tumblr.


everybody is saying Sebastian or Liam but what about Rory


Rory is my boy =)



rory fan club unlocked 


Loving this! Can't wait for more chapter so I can talk to my fav again


When 2023 is about to end and you're still holding on to the desperate hope that your favorite IF will update.


Just stayed up and binged to the current end. I love it, I hope we get a new update soon. Makes me wanna draw the characters 


being able to have multiple sets of pronouns that even includes neopronouns is a rare joy to find in a game, and seeing not only the mc have it but also npc have neopronouns makes my trans heart full of love and happiness!!!

I hope you are doing well and life give you fortune and joy for this wonderful game you are making!!


I wanted to know if this IF is still in development?


It is, just slowly. The author is a full-time mom so they have a lot of stuff that takes priority, but are still working on it


Oooh, I didn't know that, thanks! This IF has a lot of potential. ^-^


We are rootin for ya, author-sama!

I absolutely love this story!


love this, hope there's more to come !


soooooo goooooooood

(1 edit) (+2)

aghh this is so good, i need more and i cant wait for the next update

not sure if romancing sebastian and liam together is the only option but i hope i can romance sebastian seperately T_T


im pretty sure you can, when i last played i just had Liam  as a friend and Sebastian as my love interest


Y'all, interactive fiction takes time to make. Lots of choices that need to be written and coded in. On the patreon it still gets beta updates so it's being worked on.

(1 edit) (+1)

I am so excited for this game to fully come out. every time I come back the updates keeping better


I LOVE IT OMG  😭😭😭😭 (not me trying to pick between Sebastian  and Liam lol


I’m pretty sure there is a poly route with them I think…


this is so good please tell me its still being worked on T.T


It is dont worry but making a game with multiple choices takes a lot of time

They have a discord you should check it out


Please tell me this is still being worked on, an hour's session at 9pm turned into a 3am binge, please please tell me the author's got some sort of update past April planned, or past August last year


I'm just gonna leave this here for future people wondering. Yes, this is still being worked on. On the authors patreon you can get the link for the most recent updated version of this game. Which was up until february of this year.


I absolutely love this. This is the first I've enjoyed the friendships in a game this much, so much I didn't even end up trying to flirt with anyone and I'm a romance freak. Even the side characters are so fun. And MC's sister! I would kill for her. And even more awesome, the plot is so interesting too. And I like the variation in personality the MC can have! I usually like to play as a really quiet introvert character and I think this is the first game that let me do that without it messing up my relationships with other characters. Can't wait for the next update!


i love rory


ME TOO AHHHH he’s too cute 🥰


I played this almost in one sitting!!! so excited for the next update!


is there going to be new update anytime soon? It's been a while since it has been updated, but I'm looking forward to more!!

(1 edit) (+10)

I'm so excited for the next update :,) a true hidden gem hehe

Also I am so in love with Sebastian and Liam I'm sO EXCITED to see what happens next


Does anyone know if this is still being worked on?


It is


This was so amazing! This is one of the best IF games I've ever played- if not the best game I've ever played. Please keep it going- I need to know how it ends lol, it's my new favorite game. Thank you so much for your hard work on this!! (:


Honestly, where do I even start? 

Well, I guess I could by giving the obvious spoiler warning!

 I've played visual novels before, but I assume interactive fiction is different, right? With that being the case, this must be my first one! And what a magnificent introduction! 

Right off the bat, I must say the sheer amount of customisation had me FLOORED. It really immerses the player, and boy did it immerse me. Right from the get go, the story had me hooked and kept me hooked. (awaiting further updates with impatience, but in a good way) 

Can't reitterate how inspiring and underrated this is. I found myself feeling guilty, like I somehow pirated something that I should gave paid GOOD money for. A stranger's oppinion may not count for much, but PLEASE: bring this story out to a more widely-known medium. It deserves a fandom! 

If I had to give this one critique, I would say there are *slightly* too many characters, it becomes a bit hard to keep track of them all, and sometimes I'm not sure who's being referred to. 

That's the general stuff I wanted to say, though I have two, more personal points to make 

1. By looking at the comments, Az is SO underrated TvT. She's literally a sweetheart, and gosh do I LOVE her. 

2. When I tell you, as soon as I saw my native language (Polish) I HAD TO CONTAIN MYSELF FROM SCREAMING IN EXCITEMENT. In my oppinion, Polish culture is much overlooked in fiction like this, and seeing it there COMPLETELY MADE MY DAY. And paired with such an interesting character(Sebastian)? W O W. 

(1 edit)

one year later, im checking back! Trying to  not re-read my old comment considering I've most definitely forgot alot and want to be able to re-experience the story as a result(dont think I remember clearly enough to just pick up where I left off, and heck, maybe I'll make different choices this time haha!)

comment to be edited...

And here I am! First things first, I have to say that I expected just a little more to have been updated considering it's been a year. But then again, I have never coded a game and am possibly VERY in the dark about how much more than just, well, writing this includes. If anything, my dissapointment just goes to tell on how much this game is just as good as I had remembered! 

Truly, it still holds up in many of the regards I have likely already touched on in my initial reading a year ago. The sheer quality of plot, characters, world-building and just overall writing quality is to an astonishingly professional standard. Really, I'd love to see this more publically recognised as an actually published book, there's just so much potential here. A series adaptation would be dope as well. Well I guess we can only hope!

Aside from this, reading my initial rating, I find that I really haven't sung my praises enough the first time. I guess I've only learned to be more elaborate with more and more games I've chosen to review since, considering this was one of my first. My sole critique of too many characters still stands, though, the story gets just a little bit too convoluted at times to follow. I have my reservations on certain characters that could've been cut out for simplification, but I do not want to make any presumptious judgements on characters that may come to have a bigger role later in the story. 

Speaking of me becoming alot more elaborate in rating games, I've come to keep a notes document open while I play such that I don't forget to touch on certain parts, so here goes:

Speaking of series adaptation worthiness, after having seen the recent Netflix "Wednesday" series I have come to be reminded of it in a super good way while re-reading this. I know that comparing one's work to a more public IP  can come off in a not so good way, but I mean this in the best possible way. In a way, I believe doing THIS instead of re-purposing the Addam's family IP would've been so much more of a treat to watch. What I'm trying to say is, you've surpassed that. You did what they tried to do, but better. 

I have some more specific things to say about customisation, too. Dialogue options are ALWAYS expansive enough to cover whatever response a reader would feel is right. Never have I been put in the otherwise all too common situation of having to pick "the closest thing". This helps immersion greatly. Furthermore, a little silly thing in my experience that I found fun right from the get-go, was being able to come up with names and nicknames for both myself and my sister. I had quite the bit of fun playing around with coming up with names that both matches the last name I came up with "Phoenix" and that felt fitting for twins, eventually coming to Asher(Nix) for myself and Amber(Em, like for Ember) for my sister. Suffice to say, just getting to name characters like this already personalised the story so much for me and made me attached to them. Skipping forward a little for the sake of keeping all customisation related points together, character customisation is so well embedded throughout the story in a way that feels natural and doesnt break immersion. One great example is upon getting home after our first adventure, where it not only is emdedded very well to help us flesh out the details of MC but doubles to really convey how worn out MC is after the events that transpired. 

Speaking of! I'm no professional in the psychological department but, I truly appreciate the care and balance with which you tackle the effects of both present and prevailing patterns of events on MC and other characters. Too many works of fiction decide to skim over these moments of weakness, of fatigue, of struggle in processing for the purposes of proceeding onwards with the plot. While not dwelling on all of this so long that it would start to feel "edgy", this exploration of vulnerability in characters, particularly the MC is such, SUCH good and realistic character writing. This makes them feel real, and so much more immersive to play as, exploring every nook and cranny of their experince so that we, as the player may truly be able to understand and BE them in the story. One bit of story that struck me as particularly this, was 

"There's blood on your hands. 

 It fills in the lines on your palm and pools under your fingernails, dried to the color of rust against your tanned skin. You rub your thumb over it, watching it flake away and fall to the carpet. 

 The last of your energy seems to go with it. 

 There's a strange numbness that comes after the events of a vision are done. Like you've been hollowed out to make room for the next one." 

It is so metaphorical and poetic in the writing sense, further going to show my previous points on the sheer QUALITY of writing. 

Perfectly detailed, tactile description that effectively links to the plot and character-building. Not a psychologist, but speaking from personal experience the dissociation+depersonalisation described post-Rory attack is really well portrayed.  The interaction with Amber and extra character building of mentioning that the “numbness” has happened before makes this even greater. Not only does this flesh out and make real the MC, but it also helps give actual weight and acknowledgement to the events that transpired. 

Other particular moments of characterisation of the MC that I noticed and greatly appreciated included: 

"You nod, only to realize belatedly that she can't see it, so you say, "Okay. Thanks.""

“You have become an expert at bottling up the trauma and locking it away so that it can't bother you."

"Is it a healthy approach? No, absolutely not. But it works for you.” 

Aside from these, another thing I felt helped immersion was the use of a change in perspective from second to first person during vision/nightmare sequences. It is deliberate and creative and just cool 

Oh yeah, the animals were not spared from PEAK writing and characterisation either XD

“Raven trots alongside her happily, keeping his nose to the floor in search of dropped crumbs.”, just , yes, that’s exactly what a dog would do 

The cat mrrps in response.-real


Who else comes here everyday to see if theres an update?


Me :v


Their patron seems to have a more up to date demo link?

Ok, thanks for the tips ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*


Soo good. I check for updates regularly! Can't wait. The amount of customization is crazy.❤

LITERALLY? FOR REAL? It's so immersive -v-


I'm not like OTHER siblings of seers, I'm a SPEAKER /j I love this game (it has a shadow dog)


Ty bro!

(1 edit) (+3)

 i adore the story posted so far and wow this story got me HOOKED. also the way that mc and li keep dancing around their feelings got me so kjsdjksdks. rory my beloved u deserve the world pls lemme give u a lil kiss on the cheeks <333.  i wish i can rate this game 100/5 but won't let me </333 anywayss, i can't wait to see how this story goes !

I NEEEED MORE! Writer omg this is like too good i don't feel worthy. BUT i do. MUST.HAVE.STORY!

For real! It feels like something I would have to pay GOOD money for. Lke, atleast £10

Exactly like ARGGGHGUYGDHJ (yk?)


Sebastian and Liam my BELOVEDS. i am eagerly awaiting the next update! i only recently found this, but i adore your writing. the change from second person to first during the ritual gave me chills!


I am so excited to see where this is going! I am so hooked! Characters are all exceedingly lovable and the world is quite rich.

the world IS very rich!


Does this game have an actual ending


I'm overjoyed that I stuck with the game from the beginning till now.

And dear author, I read it again, and it's just as amazing as before💕. I'm looking forward to the upcoming updates and wish you a wonderful day.


So I found this game in 2021 but forgot about it after i reached the unfinished part... but I found it again, finally! I had to start from the beginning due to the re-code but it was so fun and nostalgic, I truly love this game! I told myself I would enter this game with an open mind but after all these years I still have a crush on both Liam and Sebastian 😭 I defenitely suggest this game to whomever finds its and I am so excited for the next update! <3 


happy new yearrr<3

Truly amazing, is there a possibility or any plans to fully finish and release the game?


Speaker is still very much in development! I've run into some tricky coding that has delayed the next update longer than I'd like, but it's still actively being worked on


Still an amazing game, truly amazing. If there's perhaps a discord channel or any way I can see the progress, can I join it?

(1 edit)

you can join the discord server or go to tumblr for updates. Hope it helps!


just replayed for the second time and its still as captivating as the first time I read it! truly can't wait until it's finished!!

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